3 Minute Signs of Depression Quiz 3 Minute Signs of Depression Quiz Signs of Depression Quiz You don’t feel like doing things you used to enjoy. You have fantasies about serious negative events happening in your life. You have trouble making decisions. When you make a mistake you feel worse about yourself, but when you do something good you don’t feel better about yourself. You remember foolish or hurtful things you did in the past, and feel bad about them again. You feel you’re not good enough. You think to yourself things like “You’re an idiot”. You believe that God or the universe has a plan for your life that includes you being unhappy for some period of time. You go to bed early just to get that day over with. Sometimes when you see someone walking down the street, you wish you were them. You overeat because you tell yourself “At least there’s something in my life I enjoy”. You experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect as a child. Your greatest wish is to have peace in your life.. When you see a person die in a movie, you think “It’s OK. They have peace now.” You think about ways to die that aren’t suicide, so your relatives and friends wouldn’t feel the burden of your suicide. Please tell me a bit about yourself so I know you’re not a computer program. 🙂 (required) * Please tell me your first and last name (required) * Please tell me your first and last name (required) First Name First Name Last Name Last Name Email Address (required) * If you are human, leave this field blank. See Your Results